The three principles, mind, consciousness &. thoughts

Arenal Volcano Costa rica, Monte Verde Rain Forest
Free coaching introduction workshop

Live from your heart, do the things that make you happy...!
Live from your heart, it sounds so easy but in reality it is for most people the longest journey they will ever take in their life, the one from your head to your heart...
That is one of the reasons I would like to help you not only to return to your authentic self but also how to help others on they journey.
The free workshop will give you some great insights and positive energy and resilience boosts and also you will get an idea about my coachings sessions.

What are we going to do
I will tell you what you can expect during my normal coaching sessions.
I will tell and show you how to avoid and break down our direct emotional reactions on any cause into responses based on our choice so putting ourself "at cause" in relation to the effects we wish to experience in out life!
What we can do with our thoughts and how to change our thoughts!
I will tell you about unconditional love and parenting/parental love and why that is so important!
How to take charge of yourself instead of blaming others for your problems.
Tell you something about how to really do those things that makes you happy instead of should I live my life as others want me to do.
How to boost your resilience and energy and strip the words "burn-out" out of your vocabulary!
I will tell you something about the importance of being connected to everything/everyone and addicted to nothing.!